Rant Post 2# Be The Change

For a long time since Facebook has been introduced, it has been used as a personal diary, as a means of propaganda, as a place to rant vent and joke.
Due to this exceptionally long usage people have forgotten that Facebook isnt an instrument of change..
We are.

Facebook wont give $1000 to someone because they managed to get over 1Million likes…

Facebook wont enter your country and show them your outrage at their blatant duplicity and corruption.

Facebook isnt an instrument of change. It is the Messenger.
If we want change.


Mr. Zuckerberg, this isn’t a rant against you. Since you are doing what every smart businessman does. Giving the people what they think they want (but they actually dont). What this is.. is my sincere plea to people.



Change doesn’t come on its own. We need to make it happen.

My sincerest heartfelt condolences to people who have lost their lives or been injured in the tragic “accident” in my home city of Kolkata.

The bridge which has been under construction for the past 9 years finally fell today afternoon in one of the busiest parts of Kolkata, West Bengal.

I use the word accident in quotes because we all know the only one truly to be blamed for this are the Companies responsible for making that bridge and the Politicians who helped them siphon the money into their secret black money/ blood money accounts.

I hope you feel happy that it only took about 20 lives to earn you more zeroes than those 20 people would’ve earned in their entire lives.




Poems #1 Not Me

A set of rhyming lines written by yours truly!

I am not I but I am still me
With words I become whatever I want to be
The knight in shining armor to the fair snow white
Or the majestic sun turning the days bright
The only thing that stops me is the limit of my mind
I can turn evil into good abd even rude into kind
Though i may look to have black hair it is actually blue
Since I think I have white eyes I guess it must be true
With the body of a swimmer and armed with Stark’s brains
I can fly into the space and even lift cranes
There are so many things that I am that even I do not know
If I am hot like the summers or cool like the snow
If I am an alien trapped on earth or just someone insane
My thoughts are my reality with my choice of joys and pain
I can be your dream hero or even your evil king
I can even be the charming prince holding out a marriage ring
Handsome authors and psychotic detective, any of them I can be
As long as I have the power of my words with me
It matters not if I am young or old or a new born baby
All I know is one thing that I’m not I
And I am not even me
I am whatever my mind says, whatever I want to be.



Rant Post # A Study In Pink

I was scrolling through my wall today when I stumbled across a post by my friend (on his own wall) which said something like:
” Yes I hv and use pink earphones cuz I support feminism…..;)”

This post was meant as a joke about his pink headphones. Pink. A color associated with girls since before I was born just like blue is associated with boys. While I may not know the reason behind it. But it is.

Parents giving birth to a daughter actively paint her nursery pink. Because its the color normally associated with Girls.

“Pink, a delicate color that means sweet, nice, playful, cute, romantic, charming, feminine, and tenderness, is associated with bubble gum, flowers, babies, little girls, cotton candy, and sweetness. The color pink is the color of universal love of oneself and of others.”

As far as I know. None of those meanings are degrading which make it anti-Feminist.

“Feminism is a range of political movements, ideologies and social movements that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve equal political, economic, personal, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment.”

Unless I am reading it wrong. It more or less means giving women equal rights. Equal rights means equal right to work, fight, play, be a national figure, to speak. And I am all for it. Women have every right to work late into the night without fear of their lives and without any reprisal from their parents or husbands. To do whatever the fuck they want as long as they dont cross the same boundaries that men mustn’t cross like immoral and illegal acts.

I dont expect my wife to cook for me while I work. I expect her to do whatever she wants while I do whatever I want. She doesn’t need my permission. This is what I think is Feminism. Allowing women to do what you would do. At an equal footing. With an equal backing.

So associating Feminism with Pink doesn’t seem anti-Feminist to me.

Neither does cracking a joke where wearing pink makes me a supporter of Feminism. My wearing pink is the joke. Not my being a supporter of Feminism.
I as a person do not support the right to suppress anyone’s opinion or anyone’s thought. Which includes my friend’s status. If people find it tasteless they’re free to rant about it in private to him. What they do not have the right to do is degrade him. Or his intelligence or his sense of humor.

Rights arent won by removing jokes posted by a person in jest with no malicious meanings behind it.

Rights are won by fighting for it.

Posting on Facebook, Commenting on Facebook doesn’t get you anything except a removal of a post.

If a person says he’s supporting Feminism by wearing pink it doesnt mean he’s going out around wearing a placard that wearing pink means Supporting Feminism.
But neither does criticising people for their attempts at jokes.

Not everyone is comedian. And some jokes fall short of their mark even then.
This doesnt give anyone the right to judge them or anyone laughing with them.

If anyone feels differently feel free to express your opinion here. Since this is a public post. And available to the entire world. My private wall is meant for my private opinions and anyone reading it is a friend of mine. If he/she likes it well and good. if he/she doesnt kindly use the newly implemented Facebook reactions and scroll the fuck down. If I wanted someone to rant at me I’d have told my dad how I want to go to Goa after exams.

Associating pink with Feminism isnt wrong. At least thats what my opinion is. Just because something means tender and romantic doesnt mean it cant be tough and warrior like when it needs to be. Feminism doesnt need a color. But giving it one in a joke doesnt make it a criminal act of degradation. And neither does cracking jokes.



Random Thoughts 4# Reincarnation!

Like many people before me, I recently found my mind wandering the endless expanses of Profound Thought, Philosophy, Universe and their endless secrets. A completely unrelated sequence of thoughts involving food, my mom’s plans this week, my study schedule and my urgent need to study led me to the as yet unexplained topic of REINCARNATION!

As per many religions across the world. People who die reincarnate until they finally attain Moksha and become one with God. Or they go to heaven and hell based on their list of Good deeds and Bad deeds and the Final result of that tally. Or! My personal favorite. We become one with the oblivion and cease to exist.

I, the part-time Atheist, part-time Agnostic, have decided to go with half the theory of the 1st theory with the last theory replacing the other half. (We reincarnate until one day we finally die and become one with the Oblivion. Sounds Cool doesn’t it? Well it does to me.)

ANYWAY! Damn I deviate from topic way too much! So my topic was… Reincarnation.

So the question that came to my mind was What do we Reincarnate as?

I mean seriously. Think about it. If we do actually reincarnate what are we born as? Are we even born as the same species? Is it possible for a Human to be reincarnated as a Mango Sapling? Does our sentience affect the reincarnation procedure? What about fishes? (I wouldn’t mind being  a Dolphin or a Jellyfish.)

Lets say we are reborn as Humans. Are we reborn in the same Family tree? Maybe a bit in the future. Or are we reborn as someone entirely unrelated? Is it possible for me to be my grandfather just because he died the same day exactly a year before my birth?

What if we are reborn as the same people? Doomed to live in a loop? Make the same decisions same choices endlessly like a never ending Circle with no changes. Or maybe the same people living the same lives but making different decisions? Becoming a doctor instead of a lawyer. Being Homosexual instead of heterosexual.

Is time really a factor in our Reincarnation? Or can my 24 year old Soul of the 21st Century be reborn as Albert Einstein or maybe even Elvis?

So many questions and the only people who can answer it. Cant. Not really. Because no matter what anyone says I don’t think Hypnotism can actually make you recall your past life when you aren’t even using the same brain which was used to store the memories.

Does anyone else think about such thing? Feel free to share your thoughts… or not!

CHEERS! (Why does the Reincarnation symbol look like something I doodled on my Maths notebook? I have been using this symbol as my “Pack’s” Tattoo if I were a werewolf.)

Random Thoughts 3# Un-Understandable Things

Un-Understandable Things Mostly Love.

First of all. Before I begin this post. Sorry for the delay in posting. Having my CA exams in 1 month is a huge pain in the ass especially when the syllabus isn’t complete. And trust me the syllabus is HUGE! And add to that the frequency with which I am falling sick this month I am skeptical if I’ll even be able to retain a portion of what I DO study. But ignoring my sickness or lack of perfect health. I am here to give you your next dose of ME!

Now this isn’t probably the first post you are reading on love. And probably every angsty, teenaged, or simply nerdy guy has at least once made a post on Love or the lack of it in their lives.
Mine is not one of them!

That’s not to say I do not lack a romantic interest. But I am not here to rant about it. (P.S. Ladies feel free to message me. This blabbermouth flirt extraordinaire can make you laugh and at worst you’ll just add another point to my Friend-zoned counter!).


I have a serious question for all you love birds. Over the course of my life. I have heard various phrases like Sometimes you just know, or Sometimes you just click, or you see her and there’s music in the air.
Now I’ve had a few of those. But most of it simply involved how lustful I was feeling and how gorgeous the girl simply was. But this (putting aside my horny male self) made me ask myself a very important question!


For a couple of years now I have been “in love” with one of my best friends (Yeah I have more than one. Sue me!). And while trying to move on from this unrequited love I realized I didn’t actually know what Love truly meant. Was thinking about her before yourself? Praying for her well-being even when you are an atheist and her being the only one you wanted to spend your life with enough?
Sufficient to say. My Brain gave a blunt answer of No.

Now matter how much humanity may have evolved in the past decades. The emotion of Love has remained un-describe-able. Beyond the warm feeling in your heart towards your child or your parent or the protective feeling towards your siblings and close ones. Love is the one emotion no one has successfully been able to put into words.

As a Poet I have tried. But this makes me even more intimately familiar with how difficult that task truly is. And having said all that. I can safely say I don’t know if I love someone or not.

Having been a friend in need, I have been always been able to carry conversations provided the person on the other side isn’t averse to it. And while I have successfully found girls who meet the criteria for what I want in my Girlfriend. Their has been little progress beyond friendship. Sometimes because my own incompetency (not sure if that’s the appropriate word but fuck it…)  and sometimes because of my own lack of feeling of that spark. The one that you are SUPPOSED to feel when you’re in love.

So this is a question to all you readers who have felt, are in or have been in love. (And I dont mean paternal, fraternal, maternal, sibling, bro-love, sisterly love, sibling love, pet love.. etc etc. I mean the love which involves spending your life with your better half!) How do I know I have found the one? And How do I know I am in love?

Or! Steps to do to figure out if and who you are in love with.

Hope to see at least some comments! (Unless I have made some mistake with my customization and none of you can actually comment in which case I am gonna need a lot more help than just the above!)


(P.S. Yes I know the Image is a bit cheesy. But I couldn’t think of a better one for this post. Mostly because I was half asleep while writing it.)

Random Thought 2# Never Ending Questions

Recently while watching an episode of The Magicians (A TV series based on a couple of students learning about magic and its dangers at a school called Brakesville while exploring the dangers of an alternate world called Fillory), I was reminded of that kid who played Justin Timberlake’s nephew in the movie Friends With Benefits.
In the movie, if you havent seen it, he is an aspiring Magician who tries to impress his family with simple tricks and a few complicated ones like magic fire or the woman in the box which are barely successful (if not outright failures) and I immediately began wondering if he ever becomes a Magician… or does he become something else…

Movies and Sitcoms often has such side characters which are there on screen only for a short duration but at some point I wonder what they finally did with their lives… Did they accomplish their dreams? Grow up and decide their dreams were too stupid? What did Kevin from Home Alone do after he grew up? And what happened to his cousins?
And when I talk about these characters, I dont mean the actors who played them but the Characters themselves. TV series that have long since ended like White Collar and Small Wonder… What did Mozzie do with his money? What did Neal do in Paris? And Peter? What about him? Did he become happier and lived a better life knowing Neal was still alive? Did he ever tell Elizabeth?

So many questions remain unanswered even when a series ends. Whether it be a series of scenes which make a movie, events which make a book,  or episodes which make a Sitcom..


Non-Sirius Post 1#: Deadpool Or Wolverine?

Considering that everyone needs a bit of craziness and humor in their life. I am going to introduce a third type of post that I am going to make.

A NON SIRIUS POST (Hold your horses Grammar Nazis! This spelling IS INTENTIONAL! For those who don’t know why, your childhood has been sabotaged. Kindly redeem it by reading the World Famous Book Series by J.K.Rowling. For those who know why, Hi-5 Mate!)
A short explanation as always before I get into the real matter of this Post. Non-Sirius Post is gonna be my humor post. Where I exercise my poor sense of humor and my limited knowledge of Fandoms. It will contain an excessive use of Puns, Innuendos, Subtle References, Not-so-subtle References and obviously the ever useful Sarcasm. If I do not succeed blame it on the lack of alcohol due to my lack of job and income. 😛

NOW ON TO THE POST! LET LOOSE THE SAILS OF WAR…. (Huh! That doesn’t sound as cool as it did in my head… Nor as cool as Hounds of War. Guess now we know why I am not a professional author! 😛)


Deadpool has always been one of my all-time favorite comic character. Ignoring the blood and gore, his sense of humor, wit and skill at breaking the fourth wall with absolutely no regard for the comic artist is absolutely incredible. That combined with ultra regeneration and bad ass assassin skills have made me want to be him more than once even with how ugly he is underneath that deceptive red suit!
Deadpool remains one of the few Comic Characters who actually use wit during a fight and make active use of taunts which I am still afraid of doing even in an RPG. And while usually movies fail to depict it in the Spiderman series, Ben Affleck did a surprisingly great job in Deadpool despite his bad luck while starring as Green Lantern.
One of the most astounding things that I have noticed about Deadpool is his absolute ability of regeneration. He just DOES NOT stay down. Compared to Wolverine who loses his memories when shot in the head by Admantine Bullets. Deadpool despite being repeatedly stabbed and shot (most notably by Logan himself) manages to retain his memories and continue to Sass his opponent in such fights while absolutely disregarding his injury beyond the Comic relief.

Even before Hugh Jackman gave Wolverine his first On-Screen look. He has been one of the all time favorite superheroes of mine due to his ability to look cool in absolutely ANY situation along with his awesome Spandex Suits (Which is a requirement for becoming a superhero!) and looks that change with each new Series put out by Marvel.
The man who will not stay down. With Admantium Skeleton and Claws, which look like a MasterChef’s wet dream for dicing up any possible animal he wants to cook, a healing factor which heals him of virtually all wounds in minutes if not seconds, and a Feral look which makes girl’s wet down under. Wolverine is probably the coolest On-Screen and In-Comic character ever made.
He has seen every era of Mankind and has survived it all! The only Superhero power I want more than Wolverine’s is of Rogue. This man is a one man Tank who can chop you into a sheesh kebab and the only thing that stops him is his own self!

The question that truly arises now is if I were given the option to pick between being Deadpool or Wolverine by Francis (A.k.a. Ajax) or Apocalypse. Which one would I pick?

I doubt even I know the answer though i am sure my friends would prefer it if I became Deadpool just so that my ugly mug was hidden behind a mask! 😛

Now its your turn! Who do you feel is better of the two? Tell me who you like better If you feel like it that is! I am not gonna make a kebab out of you. Not that I can.. Nor can I toss you like a Salad in my free time like Wolverine! 😛

Random Thoughts 1# Spy Games

Considering there isn’t any content in my Answer post I decided to go for a “My thoughts/opinions” post instead.

I have recently realized that regardless of your status in the society, gender, age, sexual preference or ability to keep secrets, WE have a tendency of trying to sniff out secrets and spread it around. We are like the bloodhounds whose blood is composed of juicy gossip, talks about sex life, scandalous incidents and quotes of who said what about who and why.

Just yesterday I was on a conference call with a couple of friends discussing what one of them did to ensure his ex suffered because of what she had in turn done to him before their break up. What I found interesting though was that the third person on the call was far more interested in what he had done to get his revenge and what he had done to her (sexually) before their breakup.

Being a firm believer of a Gentleman never kisses and tells. I found it amusing that a girl was far more interested in ignoring the rule than the guy. But that’s the least of my discoveries while venturing into the area of “Gossip”.

While hanging out with a bunch of girls (No I am not gay. My male friends just happened to be late. No offense to my homosexual buddies but I am straight as a wooden ruler.). Getting back to topic. While hanging out with a bunch of girls (and sitting quietly in a corner and pretending I din’t exist) I discovered the extent to which girls’ gossip extends. From who broke up with who and why to who lost her virginity to who and what reason she gave for losing it! (Unbelievable right? That’s what I thought!).

But its not just the fairer sex who indulges in Gossip. We “MEN” who don’t gossip also tend to sit around and share stories about how Mr. X is doing a Y activity instead of doing a Z activity because he’s an utter moron. And most of this happens while we are sober. Men have an equally small stomach for storing secrets as Women.

I have even found people sharing dirty laundry of their cousins with their friends just to carry on an interesting conversation with no guarantees of that news not being shared with anyone else.

Secrets, Trust and Confidence have lost their meanings in the face of popularity and being a part of the In-Group. The golden rule of Silence is the best policy has changed to Silence is for depressed morons having nerdy-issues.

Even as I write this the only thought in head is how long before I find out that even those I trust have been spreading my dirty laundry among their “Secret Keepers”.

With family, relatives, enemies and friends all keeping an eye on you. You better be careful for the Spy Games are ON. And you never know who might find out what…


Answer Post 1#

Considering the lack of comments and replies as to what others think… I decided to shelve this topic and reapproach this particular brand of posts once I have a better quantity of followers!

In the words of the Terminator: I’ll be back!

Question Post 1#: Your Dreams or Mine?

A Brief Explanation as to what an Question Post is (Sorry about this but when in doubt explain in such details that all doubts are buried in questions! :P)

An Question Post is on which questions you readers to think as to who is right and who is wrong. These will mostly involve situations that I have encountered in my life either via personal experience or second-hand via friends/family asking for advice. These will raise questions morally, ethically, personally and ask you to THINK from BOTH your HEART and your BRAIN (Yeah I know some of us including me dont have it but we gotta work with what we do have!). Typically it will have 1 Question Post and 1 Answer Post (Which will be posted on the “next post day” including any replies which the Question post has received.) So its kind of like a Discussion done via Posts seeking opinions and answers for myself and anyone else with similar questions.

NOW ON WITH THE POST! BOO YEAH! (Always wanted to do that! 😛)

Recently a friend of mine, who is an excellent author and a fellow blogger, posted a story talking about a poor guy who kills his father’s pride and mother’s dream to accomplish his own dream of being a dancer. (Well that wasn’t the moral of the story. Moral was more like when we work to our own dreams we often crush the dreams of others about us.)

You can find the story here: The Wrong Right by AdiC

So, coming back to the point. This reminded me of a topic I had recently been discussing with a fellow anonymous user on Woo (To those who know what this is. Yes I used it *blush* Sue Me! Oh wait! You cant! 😛). Who is to blame for a decision that you make heavily influenced by your parents. Is it your parents or you?

As children we often face this huge obstacle to our every action which is PERMISSION FROM PARENTS. Which is a necessary part of growing up since it teaches us the difference between right and wrong, and essentially sets our Moral Compass to the Social North (or at least the Familial North).

From choosing the right clothes to the right career to the right girl, we are dependent on our MUCH MORE EXPERIENCED Parents about nearly everything. Some of us choose to break-free of this dependence and some of us don’t.

From personal experience: Back when I was a young kid who was standing before one of the first life-changing decision of my life, I was heavily influenced by my parents to pick a career of their choice instead of the one thing I knew better than anything else. This decision has haunted me for the past 4 years of my life. Not because the career they chose was in any way harmful to me. But because the question of WHAT IF doesn’t stop. Now I am sure plenty of people say, “Why worry about what can’t be or What has already passed?”.

THE ANSWER IS BECAUSE ITS OUR NATURE. We as humans tend to think and overthink about things that could be rather than what things are. And until we find a definite answer or a newer question. THIS DOESN’T STOP. (Or maybe thats just me! 😛)

So now that I am in the final stages of completing this Course and getting my degree. The first question that comes to my mind is: IS THIS WHAT I REALLY WANT TO DO?

Also. Having failed at the finals twice (Yeah we can repeat it as many times as we want until we finally clear it. Incidentally. This course has one of the lowest Passing Percentage of 3-7% per term. As in barely 3 to 7 people pass out of a 100 each time the exams are administered. GO FIGURE!).

The first question that came to my mind was. Would it have been the same if I’d chosen Computer Engineering as my choice of Career. The answer was I dont know. And I can never know because that option was taken from me long before I had enough brain cells to figure it out.

The next question that came to my mind was. WHO IS TO BLAME?

Now here is where I need your help my lovely awesome and intelligent readers.

Am I to blame for blaming my parents instead of just focusing on the career choice made for me and giving it my all. OR. Are my parents to blame for making me choose something that runs in the family instead of what my heart really truly wanted?

Even as I write this post I have just finished studying for my next attempt in the soon-approaching month of May in which I hope to clear this course once and for all.

A new Post containing my reply along with yours will be posted in exactly 2 days on the night of 14th of March. Hope to see you soon!


P.S. The current posting Schedule is every other day (Well night really since most of my posts are written around 11:30PM but you get it. I hope! 😛)