Non-Sirius Post # The Lannister Imp

With the fast approaching end of April comes the World famous and possibly one of the largest Sitcom-Fandom’s much awaited Game of Thrones Season 6.

One of the biggest TV Shows to ever be conceived and followed by millions of every caste, creed, nation, nationality and language. Game of Thrones is at the 2nd spot among the many shows I watch after BBC Sherlock starring Benedict Cumberbatch.

Like you have already guessed my favorite character from GoT is Tyrion Lannister played by the talented Peter Dinklage. That guy personifies big things come in small packages. His acting as the hated son, reviled brother and womanizing drunk of epic proportions has managed to win the hearts of nearly everyone desperately praying to George R.R. Martin to NOT kill his character. But considering the deaths of everyone loved by the audience from Eddard “Ned” Stark to Jon Snow, we don’t have much in the way of hope anyway.

The Imp has been continuously hated and loved for his carefree nature, sharp wit, ability to remain calm in desperate situations, honor (mostly shown by his sympathy towards Sansa’s plight on being married to him) and most of all for his ability to show Joffrey his place as the scum he was before his tragic (Not Really!)ย death. His recent patricide didn’t even dent his reputation especially considering his vicious heartless father and the way Shay broke his heart (Never should’ve trusted that bitch. I knew she was trouble the moment I saw her!).

The most brilliant piece of acting done by Peter Dinklage is during the trial of Tyrion Lannister which is a farce conducted by Tyrion and Cersei Lannister where they use Shay against him. His absolute hatred for his family is depicted brilliantly and he truly shines as the star he is when he demands a Trial By Combat though the Trial itself is royally screwed up by the Idiocy of Oberyn when instead of finishing off his opponent he toys with him instead (The moron should have simply taken his revenge on the Mountain and waited for a chance to finish of Tywin later!)

The thing that made me at least partially happy, about his escape, was his appointment as adviser to the Naive Khaleesi who has yet to learn that Westeros is no place for Idealists. His cynical view of the world along with his experience as Hand of King made him more than qualified for his new position as the future Hand of the Mother of Dragons (Which are completely out of her control I tell you). The only thing we can hope for now is that George makes him the future King of Westeros and not just the Lord of Casterly Rock the seat of Lannisters.

And one thing I just CANT wait for is when he repays his debt to Cersei for her diabolical schemes against her own little brother. (I mean really who blames a child for the death of their mother DURING child birth?? And further for being a midget. The only one to blame is the Father whose genes he actually inherited!)

While I won’t be able to watch the episodes immediately due to my upcoming exams. I do hope to have at least avoid the spoilers so that I can enjoy them once my exams end on 16th May!

Please note that while I do read books, I have yet to actually read the series of A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. So all my knowledge as stated above is based on the TV Series. I hope to acquaint myself with the series as soon as I clear my aforementioned exams!


Non-Sirius Post # Da Vinci Code

Considering the amount of serious posts I have been writing these days I felt it prudent to at least try to alleviate some of the unnecessary brooding from your lives that has been caused by me.


I am sure you guys expected a bit more but oh well.. You can’t have everything. Especially since I don’t see any comments otherwise. (Yes I know you are there! Simply scrolling through without reading and leaving me hanging like a guy waiting for that cute chick from the bar to call back)

Any way! ONWARD!

Today’s topic for my extremely Sirius Post is very old… Old not in the sense of being used multiple times but in the sense of its origins. (No I don’t like older women. That’s not what I meant anyway!). The topic is:

“For when once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return .”
-Leonardo da Vinci

I recently stumbled upon this quote quite by accident while I was quietly going through quite the considerable amount of quotes posted by my “Friends” on Facebook. Initially like any sane Philosophical Aspirant I tried to understand the deeper meaning behind the words. But I soon gave it up as a futile job.

The next thing that came to my mind was: WEED. (Now everyone looking to condemn/arrest/berate me, kindly note. I am NOT an addict. Nor am I a dealer. Or a partaker. So you can take those HOWLERS and HANDCUFFS elsewhere. No I am not talking about Loud Kinky Girls and you know it! ๐Ÿ˜›)

Anyway, So the first thought that came in conjunction to the above thought was. While you areย high on weed, you often to tend to perceive things differently (Still not saying I smoke weed), some feel like they are floating or even flying, others feel the world speed up or slow down, and yet others discover the beauty of it! AND THUS I realized!

My dear boy LEO(NARDO DA VINCI) was HIGH when he said/wrote it! For once he experienced the high of being.. well.. high.. He realised that being confined to these earthly chains wasn’t for him and though he had to control himself, he kept reminiscing about his first ‘Flight’. He longed to experience it again but couldn’t since he lived in dangerous times and any of his patrons could’ve pulled a “Red Queen” and gone “Off with the head!” ๐Ÿ˜›

Just goes to show. No matter how high you may think someone is, there’s always room to get ‘High’-er if you get what I mean. Now Kids I am not recommending you to have weed. In fact it is a very bad habit. But I am a firm believer of doing everything once since that’s how many lives you get! ๐Ÿ˜› Just don’t get caught! And if you do: You can’t put the blame on me! ๐Ÿ˜›


Non-Sirius Post 1#: Deadpool Or Wolverine?

Considering that everyone needs a bit of craziness and humor in their life. I am going to introduce a third type of post that I am going to make.

A NON SIRIUS POSTย (Hold your horses Grammar Nazis! This spelling IS INTENTIONAL! For those who don’t know why, your childhood has been sabotaged. Kindly redeem it by reading the World Famous Book Series by J.K.Rowling. For those who know why, Hi-5 Mate!)
A short explanation as always before I get into the real matter of this Post. Non-Sirius Post is gonna be my humor post. Where I exercise my poor sense of humor and my limited knowledge of Fandoms. It will contain an excessive use of Puns, Innuendos, Subtle References, Not-so-subtle References and obviously the ever useful Sarcasm. If I do not succeed blame it on the lack of alcohol due to my lack of job and income. ๐Ÿ˜›

NOW ON TO THE POST! LET LOOSE THE SAILS OF WAR…. (Huh! That doesn’t sound as cool as it did in my head… Nor as cool as Hounds of War. Guess now we know why I am not a professional author! ๐Ÿ˜›)


Deadpool has always been one of my all-time favorite comic character. Ignoring the blood and gore, his sense of humor, wit and skill at breaking the fourth wall with absolutely no regard for the comic artist is absolutely incredible. That combined with ultra regeneration and bad ass assassin skills have made me want to be him more than once even with how ugly he is underneath that deceptive red suit!
Deadpool remains one of the few Comic Characters who actually use wit during a fight and make active use of taunts which I am still afraid of doing even in an RPG. And while usually movies fail to depict it in the Spiderman series, Ben Affleck did a surprisingly great job in Deadpool despite his bad luck while starring as Green Lantern.
One of the most astounding things that I have noticed about Deadpool is his absolute ability of regeneration. He just DOES NOT stay down. Compared to Wolverine who loses his memories when shot in the head by Admantine Bullets. Deadpool despite being repeatedly stabbed and shot (most notably by Logan himself) manages to retain his memories and continue to Sass his opponent in such fights while absolutely disregarding his injury beyond the Comic relief.

Even before Hugh Jackman gave Wolverine his first On-Screen look. He has been one of the all time favorite superheroes of mine due to his ability to look cool in absolutely ANY situation along with his awesome Spandex Suits (Which is a requirement for becoming a superhero!) and looks that change with each new Series put out by Marvel.
The man who will not stay down. With Admantium Skeleton and Claws, which look like a MasterChef’s wet dream for dicing up any possible animal he wants to cook, a healing factor which heals him of virtually all wounds in minutes if not seconds, and a Feral look which makes girl’s wet down under. Wolverine is probably the coolest On-Screen and In-Comic character ever made.
He has seen every era of Mankind and has survived it all! The only Superhero power I want more than Wolverine’s is of Rogue. This man is a one man Tank who can chop you into a sheesh kebab and the only thing that stops him is his own self!

The question that truly arises now is if I were given the option to pick between being Deadpool or Wolverine by Francis (A.k.a. Ajax) or Apocalypse. Which one would I pick?

I doubt even I know the answer though i am sure my friends would prefer it if I became Deadpool just so that my ugly mug was hidden behind a mask! ๐Ÿ˜›

Now its your turn! Who do you feel is better of the two? Tell me who you like better If you feel like it that is! I am not gonna make a kebab out of you. Not that I can.. Nor can I toss you like a Salad in my free time like Wolverine! ๐Ÿ˜›