Random Thoughts 4# Reincarnation!

Like many people before me, I recently found my mind wandering the endless expanses of Profound Thought, Philosophy, Universe and their endless secrets. A completely unrelated sequence of thoughts involving food, my mom’s plans this week, my study schedule and my urgent need to study led me to the as yet unexplained topic of REINCARNATION!

As per many religions across the world. People who die reincarnate until they finally attain Moksha and become one with God. Or they go to heaven and hell based on their list of Good deeds and Bad deeds and the Final result of that tally. Or! My personal favorite. We become one with the oblivion and cease to exist.

I, the part-time Atheist, part-time Agnostic, have decided to go with half the theory of the 1st theory with the last theory replacing the other half. (We reincarnate until one day we finally die and become one with the Oblivion. Sounds Cool doesn’t it? Well it does to me.)

ANYWAY! Damn I deviate from topic way too much! So my topic was… Reincarnation.

So the question that came to my mind was What do we Reincarnate as?

I mean seriously. Think about it. If we do actually reincarnate what are we born as? Are we even born as the same species? Is it possible for a Human to be reincarnated as a Mango Sapling? Does our sentience affect the reincarnation procedure? What about fishes? (I wouldn’t mind being  a Dolphin or a Jellyfish.)

Lets say we are reborn as Humans. Are we reborn in the same Family tree? Maybe a bit in the future. Or are we reborn as someone entirely unrelated? Is it possible for me to be my grandfather just because he died the same day exactly a year before my birth?

What if we are reborn as the same people? Doomed to live in a loop? Make the same decisions same choices endlessly like a never ending Circle with no changes. Or maybe the same people living the same lives but making different decisions? Becoming a doctor instead of a lawyer. Being Homosexual instead of heterosexual.

Is time really a factor in our Reincarnation? Or can my 24 year old Soul of the 21st Century be reborn as Albert Einstein or maybe even Elvis?

So many questions and the only people who can answer it. Cant. Not really. Because no matter what anyone says I don’t think Hypnotism can actually make you recall your past life when you aren’t even using the same brain which was used to store the memories.

Does anyone else think about such thing? Feel free to share your thoughts… or not!

CHEERS! (Why does the Reincarnation symbol look like something I doodled on my Maths notebook? I have been using this symbol as my “Pack’s” Tattoo if I were a werewolf.)