Rant Post 2# Be The Change

For a long time since Facebook has been introduced, it has been used as a personal diary, as a means of propaganda, as a place to rant vent and joke.
Due to this exceptionally long usage people have forgotten that Facebook isnt an instrument of change..
We are.

Facebook wont give $1000 to someone because they managed to get over 1Million likes…

Facebook wont enter your country and show them your outrage at their blatant duplicity and corruption.

Facebook isnt an instrument of change. It is the Messenger.
If we want change.


Mr. Zuckerberg, this isn’t a rant against you. Since you are doing what every smart businessman does. Giving the people what they think they want (but they actually dont). What this is.. is my sincere plea to people.



Change doesn’t come on its own. We need to make it happen.

My sincerest heartfelt condolences to people who have lost their lives or been injured in the tragic “accident” in my home city of Kolkata.

The bridge which has been under construction for the past 9 years finally fell today afternoon in one of the busiest parts of Kolkata, West Bengal.

I use the word accident in quotes because we all know the only one truly to be blamed for this are the Companies responsible for making that bridge and the Politicians who helped them siphon the money into their secret black money/ blood money accounts.

I hope you feel happy that it only took about 20 lives to earn you more zeroes than those 20 people would’ve earned in their entire lives.




Rant Post # A Study In Pink

I was scrolling through my wall today when I stumbled across a post by my friend (on his own wall) which said something like:
” Yes I hv and use pink earphones cuz I support feminism…..;)”

This post was meant as a joke about his pink headphones. Pink. A color associated with girls since before I was born just like blue is associated with boys. While I may not know the reason behind it. But it is.

Parents giving birth to a daughter actively paint her nursery pink. Because its the color normally associated with Girls.

“Pink, a delicate color that means sweet, nice, playful, cute, romantic, charming, feminine, and tenderness, is associated with bubble gum, flowers, babies, little girls, cotton candy, and sweetness. The color pink is the color of universal love of oneself and of others.”

As far as I know. None of those meanings are degrading which make it anti-Feminist.

“Feminism is a range of political movements, ideologies and social movements that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve equal political, economic, personal, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment.”

Unless I am reading it wrong. It more or less means giving women equal rights. Equal rights means equal right to work, fight, play, be a national figure, to speak. And I am all for it. Women have every right to work late into the night without fear of their lives and without any reprisal from their parents or husbands. To do whatever the fuck they want as long as they dont cross the same boundaries that men mustn’t cross like immoral and illegal acts.

I dont expect my wife to cook for me while I work. I expect her to do whatever she wants while I do whatever I want. She doesn’t need my permission. This is what I think is Feminism. Allowing women to do what you would do. At an equal footing. With an equal backing.

So associating Feminism with Pink doesn’t seem anti-Feminist to me.

Neither does cracking a joke where wearing pink makes me a supporter of Feminism. My wearing pink is the joke. Not my being a supporter of Feminism.
I as a person do not support the right to suppress anyone’s opinion or anyone’s thought. Which includes my friend’s status. If people find it tasteless they’re free to rant about it in private to him. What they do not have the right to do is degrade him. Or his intelligence or his sense of humor.

Rights arent won by removing jokes posted by a person in jest with no malicious meanings behind it.

Rights are won by fighting for it.

Posting on Facebook, Commenting on Facebook doesn’t get you anything except a removal of a post.

If a person says he’s supporting Feminism by wearing pink it doesnt mean he’s going out around wearing a placard that wearing pink means Supporting Feminism.
But neither does criticising people for their attempts at jokes.

Not everyone is comedian. And some jokes fall short of their mark even then.
This doesnt give anyone the right to judge them or anyone laughing with them.

If anyone feels differently feel free to express your opinion here. Since this is a public post. And available to the entire world. My private wall is meant for my private opinions and anyone reading it is a friend of mine. If he/she likes it well and good. if he/she doesnt kindly use the newly implemented Facebook reactions and scroll the fuck down. If I wanted someone to rant at me I’d have told my dad how I want to go to Goa after exams.

Associating pink with Feminism isnt wrong. At least thats what my opinion is. Just because something means tender and romantic doesnt mean it cant be tough and warrior like when it needs to be. Feminism doesnt need a color. But giving it one in a joke doesnt make it a criminal act of degradation. And neither does cracking jokes.

