Once-upon-a-time friends (and more)


All of us have gone through phases of lost friendship and heartbreaks when you realise that someone who was the first on your dial list when anything happens is now one of those who you merely wish on their birthdays. Priorities change, life changes, people change and as everything around us changes we realise we’ve left behind a part of us that we may not want back but can’t help but feel nostalgic for.

These lost friends and confidantes are a lot like the memories of our school where we pulled each others hairs, pushed each other and teased each other, bunked classes, played chase and so much more. Things we are glad we did. But things that we may not want to do anymore.

I stumbled across this blog by sheer luck. And I am grateful that I did. For what the blogger has written in this post and in most of their other posts is beautiful. Please do go and read it.. Hopefully the few shall make many and many shall make many more.

P. S. Yes I know I messed up. Disappearing again. But frankly I think you’re used to it by now. Exams are here again. If I don’t clear them this time I’m just gonna focus on work instead.

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