Non-Sirius Post # Da Vinci Code

Considering the amount of serious posts I have been writing these days I felt it prudent to at least try to alleviate some of the unnecessary brooding from your lives that has been caused by me.


I am sure you guys expected a bit more but oh well.. You can’t have everything. Especially since I don’t see any comments otherwise. (Yes I know you are there! Simply scrolling through without reading and leaving me hanging like a guy waiting for that cute chick from the bar to call back)

Any way! ONWARD!

Today’s topic for my extremely Sirius Post is very old… Old not in the sense of being used multiple times but in the sense of its origins. (No I don’t like older women. That’s not what I meant anyway!). The topic is:

“For when once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return .”
-Leonardo da Vinci

I recently stumbled upon this quote quite by accident while I was quietly going through quite the considerable amount of quotes posted by my “Friends” on Facebook. Initially like any sane Philosophical Aspirant I tried to understand the deeper meaning behind the words. But I soon gave it up as a futile job.

The next thing that came to my mind was: WEED. (Now everyone looking to condemn/arrest/berate me, kindly note. I am NOT an addict. Nor am I a dealer. Or a partaker. So you can take those HOWLERS and HANDCUFFS elsewhere. No I am not talking about Loud Kinky Girls and you know it! ๐Ÿ˜›)

Anyway, So the first thought that came in conjunction to the above thought was. While you areย high on weed, you often to tend to perceive things differently (Still not saying I smoke weed), some feel like they are floating or even flying, others feel the world speed up or slow down, and yet others discover the beauty of it! AND THUS I realized!

My dear boy LEO(NARDO DA VINCI) was HIGH when he said/wrote it! For once he experienced the high of being.. well.. high.. He realised that being confined to these earthly chains wasn’t for him and though he had to control himself, he kept reminiscing about his first ‘Flight’. He longed to experience it again but couldn’t since he lived in dangerous times and any of his patrons could’ve pulled a “Red Queen” and gone “Off with the head!” ๐Ÿ˜›

Just goes to show. No matter how high you may think someone is, there’s always room to get ‘High’-er if you get what I mean. Now Kids I am not recommending you to have weed. In fact it is a very bad habit. But I am a firm believer of doing everything once since that’s how many lives you get! ๐Ÿ˜› Just don’t get caught! And if you do: You can’t put the blame on me! ๐Ÿ˜›