As I shared earlier this week. I planned on sharing why each Deathly Hallows has its own Main Character Counterpart along with a brief or not so brief history and description of said character.

Today’s Hallow of the Day is: The Deathstick, The Wand of Destiny, The Elder Wand.

The Elder Wand symbolised by a straight line represents Power. Its an Unbeatable Wand and it craves to be used by those more powerful than its current master. As no doubt many of you would agree it is most aptly represented by The Dark Lord of HP Series.

The big bad villain and archnemesis of both Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter, Lord Voldemort, born Tom Marvolo Riddle is a Power house. Regardless of who knew about his half blood status, everyone knew about his power and its the habit of sheep to follow the ones in Power. This Power can be of a position, innate or of knowledge. And The Dark Lord for all his obsession possessed all three.

He was the embodiment of Slytherin. Cunning, because lets face it you cant plan the takeover of an entire Society without having the cunning to plan it out meticulously. Without being able to lure, cajole, threaten and force his followers and his enemies he wouldn’t be able to take over a house let alone an entire country. His ability to make the supposed Purebloods beg and grovel is in itself a very apt example of his cunning. Ambitious beyond measure, because you don’t try and organise a revolution on a whim. You do it because you want to achieve something!

Lord Voldemort was feared! Feared so much that people refused to speak his name. I dont believe Slughorn and Dumbledore were the only ones who knew his identity. I’m sure many others did. Yet being able to create such universal fear that even after your death people refuse to say your name out loud is a feat worthy of recognition.

And let it not be said that he was stupid. For all of the feats that Harry accomplished. Most of it was truly luck when faced one on one with Voldemort. Harry had the luck to have the right tools at the right moment. Whether it be the diary and the Basilisk fang, the Holly wand or the fact that Voldemort didnt know about the protection Lily left Harry. HP was lucky (obviously by Rowling’s design) to survive. Because Tom Marvolo Riddle wasnt just any Slytherin. He was a Prefect and Head Boy. He was expected to be the next Minister of Magic by his very own teachers! He had perfect OWLs and NEWTs. He even managed to find and accumulate enough knowledge of the Dark Arts in a school which didn’t even teach them to be a threat to one of the greatest minds of all time (referring to both Dumbledore and Flamel who had to resort to destroying it to keep it safe from Tom).

Thus, The Dark Lord met all the requirements for power. Smart, Innately Powerful, and holding a powerful position in the society viewed as a Revolutionary who’d cleanse the Wizarding World. Lord Voldemort was Power. He believed he was powerful enough to even cheat death. But, sadly, like the Unbeatable Wand was beaten (multiple times), so was Lord Voldemort.

And this is why, according to me, The Dark Lord Voldemort represents The Line in the Symbol of the Deathly Hallows.

Next up will be the ring and why HP represents it the best. Hopefully it’ll be out by either later today or tomorrow. Till then Good Luck! Good bye! And May The Force Be With You!

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